Official Partners

By partnering with the World Championship of Custom Bike Building our Official Partners are helping to protect, support and develop the custom motorcycle industry of the future.
They have dug deep into their budgets to help make the event itself and the worldwide program that supports it possible, and are making a statement about themselves.
That statement is that as vendors they believe in and are committed to the future of the custom motorcycle lifestyle, and identify the quality of their own products with the high standards of design and engineering that the World Championship program showcases and promotes.
Without their support the Championship program would not be possible, and as vendors who "share the vision" of a future in which further generations of riders are able to enjoy custom motorcycle design and engineering excellence, the Championship Program is pleased to be able to endorse and recommend these selected businesses as "vendors of choice" for your custom motorcycle, parts, accessory, service item, apparel, helmet and reading needs and choices.