2013 World & European Championship Competitor Info
- Key Info
- Competitor Schedule
- Class Definitions
- Entry Form
- Confirmed Entries
- Terms & Conditions of Entry
The World & European Championship is OPEN ENTRY. Competitors may enter up to two bikes in total.
We have limited capacity at our facility and may close entries at any time without notice. Space is allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Entries will only be guaranteed up to and including Monday May 6th 2013. Any entry submitted after this date is accepted solely at the organisers' discretion.
Judging is by 'peer-group-review'. That is to say that it is you, the competitor community itself (namely those people who actually engage in customisation) who choose the winners at the World & European Championship. Obviously you can't vote for your own bike(s), and rather than using a result-shaping category/points formula, each competitor is asked to select their 12 favourite bikes on a 'whatever floats your boat' basis, then place them in rank order one through twelve. Judging is on Saturday May 11th, for the main awards ceremony at 4:00pm on Sunday May 12th.
The World & European Championship operates a 'Certified Runner' program to indicate which of the competing bikes are known to be 'runners'. Non-runners are permitted to enter on the basis that they may be showcasing 'work-in-progress' technology concepts or such like, but to qualify as a 'Certified Runner' a video of the bike being ridden must be provided before the event, or a car-park based run-test videoed by the organisers at the time of registration/check-in at the venue on Thursday May 9th.
Please read the Terms & Conditions before entering.
A list of current confirmed entries can be found here.
Key Info
Show Dates
10-12th May, 2013
Bike Registration
Thursday May 9th, 10am to 6pm
Bike Shipping Address
Big Bike Europe, Messe Essen, Norbertstrasse, D-45131 Essen, Germany.
For competitor queries prior to May 7th, contact Neil Blaber on 866-849-5704. May 7th onwards contact Neil on his cell phone (number TBC).
Competitor Schedule
The schedule below is subject to change.
Thursday 9th May | 9am - 6pm | Bike move in and registration (closed to public) To schedule arriving outside of these hours call Neil Blaber (number TBC). |
Friday 10th May | 9am - 6pm | Open to Industry only |
Saturday 11th May | 9am - 6pm | Open to public |
11:00am | Builder judging meeting on stage | |
11:30am | Judging ballot pickup at AMD desk | |
11:30am | Judging ballot return deadline at AMD desk | |
Sunday 12th May | 9am - 5:00pm | Open to public |
4:00pm | Awards ceremony | |
5:30pm | Bike move out commences |
Class Definitions
You may enter your bike(s) into the following classes. If you have any queries about whether your bike is eligable for a particular class, then please contact us.
One-off, ground-up built custom bikes, on all or any chassis platforms or drivetrains.
Modified Harley-Davidson
Stock Evo or later frame and stock Evo or later (including Screamin' Eagle / JIMS) engine cases. The stock frame/Harley platform geometry must be maintained; the only modifications allowed are weld smoothing and other moldings and sheet metal additions, tab and or bracket relocation or removal and arising smoothings/moldings (such as exhaust bracket relocation for example). Swingarm/rear-end changes, of any kind, including replacement swingarms, are permitted; fat or skinny rear end conversions are permitted; as is frame or rear-end lowering or raising - provided the basic stock frame geometry is unchanged. Case internals can be replaced, along with cylinders, heads and internals. Turbo chargers, super chargers, NOS kits etc are permitted. Frames and cases can be from two different Harley-Davidsons.
Production Manufacturer
Stock or customised versions of EU homologated / street legal volume-produced models. Certificate of Conformity (CoC) must be provided for display with bike. Any further questions to the organisers.
Retro Modified
Any modified bike, with any drive train on any chassis configuration manufactured prior to 1984. Must be based on a pre-1984 engine, and styled to have the appearance of a motorcycle manufactured prior to 1984. Use of some contemporary parts/design elements is permitted.
Street Performance
A class designed to showcase customs of all or any kind, of any platform or drivetrain, air-cooled or liquid-cooled (or even alternative energy) bikes, where the primary intention of the customizer is to improve performance and/or showcase his/her performance engineering and techniques. Open to 'streetable' performance work, drag strip, circuit racing, off-road racing or 'Bonneville' race projects and bikes. Open to 'metric', Whitworth/AF, and SAE measure bikes. Open to all kinds of performance engineering and enhancement techniques, including super charging, turbo charging, NOS etc.
Official Entry Form
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Terms & Conditions of Entry
Completion of the Official Entry Form is essential. No participation will be permitted without it.
All entries are accepted subject to, and with acceptance of, these event terms and conditions, including liabilities, costs and fees (200 euros per bike entered payable to Dealer World in advance of the event date). All entries remain provisional until you register your bike at the event itself.
Entry fees will be refunded in full providing notice is given, and receipt of such notice acknowledged by the organizers, at least 14 days prior to the event (ie by Thursday April 25th 2013). Full or partial refund of any entry fee after this date is solely at the discretion of the organisers.
Employees and families of employees of AMD/Dealer-World or Big Bike Europe are not eligible to enter. The decision to permit or decline participation is entirely and solely at the discretion of the organisers and no correspondence, dialogue, or any other form of communication or explanation for any such decisions will be entered into or provided.
Specifically the organisers reserve the right to deny participation to any builder and motorcycle on the grounds of decency related matters and taste. This includes, but is not limited to, the use and display of messages, forms of words, images or designs that are considered by the organisers to be unsuitable; and to behaviour or behaviours that the organisers, also at their sole discretion, deem inappropriate.
Entries will only be accepted by the builder of an entered motorcycle, and any award entitlement is to the builder, as opposed to the owner, of a winning entry. Repeat entry of the same bike in subsequent years is not permitted.
Bikes must be registered in advance of the event date. Space is limited and subject to change, and registration can be closed without notice. Each bike will be issued with an entry identification number before their participation is confirmed. This identification number must be presented with the bike at the time of onsite registration.
Bikes must be presented at the event facility between 10am and 6pm on Thursday May 9th 2013. Bikes arriving outside these times without prior arrangement with the organisers may be refused entry.
All bikes must be capable of starting and running. Entrants will be required to prove that they are 'runners' in order to claim an award, either by submitting video evidence in advance of the event or passing a 'run test' as part of the registration process.
All entrants will be required to provide a brief technical specification of their entered bike(s) in advance of the event date, which will be used on the display placard identifying their bike. No additional display materials including, but not limited to, flyers, business cards, boards, logo signs, posters, lighting, reflective flooring or other props are permitted to enhance the bike display.
Bikes must remain in place at all times until the event closes at 5pm on Sunday May 12th. There are no exceptions to this rule.
The organisers reserve the right to set a limit on the number of bikes any single builder may enter. Please discuss with us in advance, and indicate planned number on the Official Entry Form.
Any bike can be entered into the main 'Freestyle' class from which the Official World and European Champion is voted. Subject to the nature of your bike(s), you can alternatively enter one of the other classes that may also be offered, at the time of registration (eg. 'Production Manufacturer', 'Modified Harley-Davidson', 'Retro Modified', 'Street Performance' and/or any other classes the organisers decide to devise).
One-off, ground-up built custom bikes, on all or any chassis platforms or drivetrains.
Modified Harley-Davidson
Stock Evo or later frame and stock Evo or later (including Screamin' Eagle / JIMS) engine cases. The stock frame/Harley platform geometry must be maintained; the only modifications allowed are weld smoothing and other moldings and sheet metal additions, tab and or bracket relocation or removal and arising smoothings/moldings (such as exhaust bracket relocation for example). Swingarm/rear-end changes, of any kind, including replacement swingarms, are permitted; fat or skinny rear end conversions are permitted; as is frame or rear-end lowering or raising - provided the basic stock frame geometry is unchanged. Case internals can be replaced, along with cylinders, heads and internals. Turbo chargers, super chargers, NOS kits etc are permitted. Frames and cases can be from two different Harley-Davidsons.
Production Manufacturer
Stock or customised versions of EU homologated / street legal volume-produced models. Certificate of Conformity (CoC) must be provided for display with bike. Any further questions to the organisers.
Retro Modified
Any modified bike, with any drive train on any chassis configuration manufactured prior to 1984. Must be based on a pre-1984 engine, and styled to have the appearance of a motorcycle manufactured prior to 1984. Use of some contemporary parts/design elements is permitted.
Street Performance
A class designed to showcase customs of all or any kind, of any platform or drivetrain, air-cooled or liquid-cooled (or even alternative energy) bikes, where the primary intention of the customizer is to improve performance and/or showcase his/her performance engineering and techniques. Open to 'streetable' performance work, drag strip, circuit racing, off-road racing or 'Bonneville' race projects and bikes. Open to 'metric', Whitworth/AF, and SAE measure bikes. Open to all kinds of performance engineering and enhancement techniques, including super charging, turbo charging, NOS etc.
Where possible, all bikes will be photographed for use in future promotions of, but not limited to, the Official World and European Championship of Custom Bike Building. Photo CDs will be provided to all entrants, together with inclusion in the event website registry as part of the event's Competitor Care Program.
All entrants accept that copyright of all or any images or information concerning them or their bikes arising from their participation are the property of AMD, as owners of the Official World and European Championship of Custom Bike Building, and that these may be shared with all or any other media for royalty/payment-free use at the sole discretion of AMD.
Specifically, the organisers must be informed, at least 14 days prior to the event, of any entry subject to an 'exclusive' contract prohibiting publication of show photography as this affects our ability to accept its entry, as AMD cannot be denied the right to use images and details of bikes in its general news releases and features. Any such contract subsequently signed must acknowledge AMD's precedence of photographic rights as stated above.
Participant and attendee photography for personal use is permitted. Permissions for image or information usage will never be unreasonably denied. The organisers simply ask for event naming rights and photographer credits to be observed, stated and recognised/acknowledged as appropriate.
Judging will be conducted by 'peer review', topped up by a VIP panel. One voting form will be issued per builder on registration regardless of the number of bikes entered. Competitors cannot vote for their own bike(s).
Correctly completed judging forms must be received back at the Registration Desk by the stated deadline to be included in the voting process. The decision of the judges is final. In the event of a tie on points for any award, the entry having gained the most 1st place votes of the tied entries will be deemed the winner.
Awards will be presented to the top ten bikes in the Freestyle class and top three in each of the Production Manufacturer, Modified Harley-Davidson and Performance Custom classes. The awards ceremony will be held at 4.00pm on Sunday May 12th.
The winner(s) shall be permitted to use the title of 'World Champion Custom Bike Builder' and/or 'European Champion Custom Bike Builder' and logo for a period of no more or no less than one year following the announcement of the results for the year concerned. He or she may use this title in all or any of his or her personal or business promotional activities and materials, but at all times the title remains the property of the owners of AMD, and all or any consents can be withdrawn at any time entirely at AMD's discretion. The winner, after one year, may refer to him or herself in a past tense, sense and manner, as having been the 'World Champion Custom Bike Builder' and/or 'European Champion Custom Bike Builder' for the year concerned.
The official logo and the wording 'The Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building' and 'The Official European Championship of Custom Bike Building' are the sole property and registered marks of the owners of AMD, and remain so at all times. Their use is entirely at the discretion of AMD, and subject to permission.
Participation in the event will constitute acceptance of these and all or any other rules or regulations pertaining to participation in and operation of the event.
Participation in the Official World and European Championship of Custom Bike Building does not imply any involvement in or endorsement of any kind whatsoever by AMD of that builder or that builder's company, of his work, of the quality (or otherwise) of that specific motorcycle, or in any other way or of any other kind, of all or any activities (commercial or otherwise) of the individual or business concerned.
All costs connected with bikes appearing at, and being removed from, the Official World and European Championship of Custom Bike Building are, unless separately and specifically contracted by AMD in writing, entirely the responsibility of the entrant. The organisers may, at their discretion, require the entrant to pay any sums arising from participation, or to compensate AMD for all or any other liabilities arising from participation.
AMD, Dealer-World, and the Official World and European Championship of Custom Bike Building shall be held harmless and do not accept any liabilities whatsoever, howsoever caused, arising from weather, acts of God and/or participation in the event. Participation is entirely at the builder's own risk in all respects.
The organisers will, of course, take the steps that it deems appropriate or reasonable to ensure the safety and security of the motorcycle(s) concerned, but can in no way accept any kind of liability for any loss or damage arising, of any kind whatsoever.
All liabilities and insurances are the responsibility of the competitor in all respects. All other liabilities remain with the competitor at all times. Completion of the Official Entry Form, payment of the Entry Fee or having a motorcycle placed on display indicates that you have read and understood the terms and conditions, and that you unconditionally accept them.